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Exercise Bike

It’s indoors, convenient, and a great way to burn fat. Its Exercise bike!

If hitting a gym or a morning jog appears to be an impossible task, then go for the easiest option- the exercise bike. Just hop on the stationary bike and and put on your favourite channel. Before you even realize you’ll be through with the cycling workout while being glued to the tv. You can even read a magazine for distraction, though while reading the work out may not be that intense.

Pretty easy on knees and leg joints exercise bikes are proven to be effective at improving the cardiovascular fitness, burning calories while building the stamina safely. Regular exercise on these bikes fortifies and tones the leg, thigh muscles and the hamstrings in the back of the thigh.

Types of Exercise bikes

  1. Upright Exercise Bike
  2. Recumbent Exercise Bike
  3. Dual Action Bikes

Though coming with almost the same features and specifications including preset programs, LCD display, heart rate monitor etc., there is a slight difference between them.

Upright exercise bike places you in an upright poistion, leaning slightly forward. Similar in form to conventional bikes, this bike works your lower body, lungs and makes heart stronger. Its ideal for those with heavy hips. One can even pedal it in a standing pose. It fits easily in a small space.

With a recumbent bike you are in a horizontal seated position leaning slightly backward. For those sufferring with back disorders and osteoarthritis, recumbent bike makes a very comfortable fitness equipment. It relaxes the abdominal muscles making breathing easier, promotes the blood flow and gives a perfect cardiovascular workout. For the obese, nothing can be more comfortable than exercising on the bucket seat with a back rest.

Dual Action Bikes are Upright models with adjustable handlebars. Exercising on this bike not only tones the overall body but also enhances the aerobic capacity.

Do not buy it from a catalogue, television or online. Go to the retail store and get the feel of it. Test before you buy. Ensure that the bike fits you properly. See that the seat height is correct and you can reach the handlebars easily.

When exercising-

  1. Wear the right gear: Put on a pair of padded shorts for added comfort.
  2. Sit comfortably but do not droop your shoulders.
  3. Sit using your abdominals to support your back.
  4. Set your own pace.Know how to adjust the intensity and change program options.
  5. Set goals and start slowly and build up to longer and more intense workouts.

One of the most effective and affordable fitness equipments, the stationary bike has immense therapeutic value. The low-intensity movement that it involves keeps the joints flexed and muscles strong.
